Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Building Design in Darwin

Proper design of buildings for construction in Darwin is imperative. The Climate is hot and humid and the occupants of the structure need to be comfortable. The use of materials orientation and design layout are crucial elements which when combined effectively produce a building of real value. In addition to this, Darwin is subject to cyclonic weather activity during the wet season. At Viking West Building Design and Drafting we pride ourselves on our ability to produce a design which is not only structurally cyclone rated but cost effective to build.

The effectiveness of a building’s design will impact the behavior of it future occupants. The ways in which people communicate, interact, move about and conduct their work or chores is directly related to the building playing host to the activity.  

The lifespan of a building is significant so it is important to get the design right before you begin on site. At Viking West, we not only design buildings that look amazing, but that function efficiently and improve the daily life experience of it’s occupants.

We welcome the opportunity to be of assistance with any projects. (email: jesper@vikingwest.com.au)

1 comment:

  1. . They don't know that anything else exists.

    Today is also the day that Autodesk saves about 20 million dollars in producing and shipping you your software now that you're forced to download 15 GB of software. I wonder what happens Building Refurbishment
